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The history of the development of carbon fiber
Release date: [2018/3/27] Read total of [760] times
In recent years, due to energy tightening, high oil prices and high transportation and fuel costs, the high strength and light weight characteristics of carbon fiber materials have been re-recognized by the transportation industry. Carbon fiber research has long been documented. As early as 1879, people still used In the era of kerosene or gas jet lighting, Edison had found a new type of lighting device that could conduct electricity and had high resistance, heat, and light. At that time, bamboo fiber was burned and oxidized into carbon fiber material because of carbon fiber. Silk is made in the laboratory, and the material is too fragile to support its own weight strength. The earlier carbon fiber was not sufficient as a glow-heating electric wire in a glass bulb, and tungsten ore material was made into a metal wire and then fitted with argon in a glass cover. The addition of technology, in this way, has truly solved the problem of extending the life of filaments. The era of luminous bulbs made with electricity has only begun. Humans can have durable power lighting, and nighttime activity can increase the overall productivity.
Carbon fiber production mainly consists of three kinds of raw silk sources: polyacrylonitrile, asphalt, and rayon (rayon) are good precursors or master batches for different applications, and the development of carbon fiber materials has reached a peak in the Second World War. Therefore, the materials can use the high temperature and light materials generated during the high-speed flight of the missile warheads. In particular, the signals of the radios in guided missiles during long-range missile flight need to avoid external electromagnetic interference. The 1960s socialist camp and the freedom of government were beautiful. The Russians are in a cold war. This material is even a strategic embargo. The United States was declared by President Kennedy in the early 1960s that it would surpass Soviet Russia and complete the human feat of landing on the moon. As a result, the two countries have accelerated the development of large-scale cooperation for the space race. R&D resources produce light carbon fiber materials with high mechanical strength. Japan's carbon fiber R&D has also invested heavily in the development of quantitative technologies. Polypropylene eye fibers developed from the Osaka Institute were oxidized to burn carbon fibers. In pitch-based carbon fiber, at the time, the United States consumed more than 60% of its output. , U.S. developed Union Carbide Company Union Carbide Company (UCC) to develop thorium fiber oxy-oxidation technology, which produces high-strength carbon fiber. Since carbon fiber materials and technology forbid the transport of Soviet Union, the Soviet Union to the allies. They were forced to develop their own carbon fiber. Eastern European countries included Poland and Belarus. They researched and developed various special carbon fiber materials according to the distribution of natural resources in each region, and Poland developed carbon fiber based on bitumen-based raw materials from brown mud carbon mines produced in Krakowov region. The material, Belarus has developed lignin cellulose material or rayon with many domestic virgin forests.