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China Carbon Fiber "civilian" road
Release date: [2014/9/19] Read total of [1350] times

Carbon fiber due to different varieties and quality, the price has more than 100 yuan per kilogram from the more than 50,000 yuan (Japan Toray M60J is said to have Scoop this price). Among them, take small quantities, sophisticated varieties, which we call "noble fibers", while large, relatively low prices of carbon fiber, which we call "civilian carbon fiber." China is the world's carbon fiber research and development for the elderly, but the industrialization of the novice, so the total number of Chinese carbon fiber business, "civilians" have real significance of the road to explore. 


A. "China price" known world, in the field of carbon fiber, whether China could achieve civilians?

Low cost does not mean low quality. Low quality, high cost is a common situation in China carbon fiber, this situation, in fact, the international carbon fiber giants quite clear, the United States, the carbon fiber industry there is a saying: China is currently doing carbon fiber is unlikely to be accepted by the market, such as maintaining the current state of development, never be accepted by the market, which does not depend on how much China has invested heavily in the production of carbon fibers. Many Chinese people think the carbon fiber industry too simple.

Due to the wrong industry-oriented, most crowded in a small factory tow trail, while China's current level of composite materials in aerospace applications, can not digest so prolific energy. Many companies make a lot of ambitious carbon fiber used on China's large aircraft, please look good history, Toray carbon fiber come from 1971, when it used to what Boeing and Airbus. If we blindly imitate the development of Japan's carbon fiber business, from small tow started, mainly to aerospace applications, which will make the whole industry into a dead end, because both the technical standards, the tough aviation airworthiness certification, or market and political factors, Chinese companies in quite a time is unlikely to be the main companies such as Boeing and Airbus suppliers.

With the wind blade market and the rapid development of the automotive market in recent years, Japanese carbon fiber enterprises generally believe that: no serious development and application of large-tow is their biggest strategic mistake, watching European and American big tow companies rapid expansion, these Japanese companies are at full speed, trying to catch up in the gap between the large tow carbon fiber production.

China has a lot of demand for industrial or commercial carbon fibers, but for us the price of a small tow prohibitively expensive, leading to no market price, the production line is idle. Another addition to the carbon fiber used in aerospace, due to cost control, mainly in the big tow more than 24K mainly due to cost and posterior segment processing efficiency factor, large tow exceptionally strong trend, many experts believe that: the little wire beams and large tow are processed into a unidirectional prepreg, which is also the difference between the size of the tow it? And wherein the gap between the material and processing costs great!

Therefore, the development of China's carbon fiber business (excluding research institutions), and under the tutelage of Japanese companies is a dead end. The SGL, ZOLTEK, even Turkey latecomers AKSA, certainly in the past few years the explosive growth of demand in (reportedly: a large-size wind turbine blades requires approximately 500 kg of carbon fiber, a 300,000 car needs nearly three tons of carbon fiber), their development path should deserve our study and emulate.
B. stable quality requires a long-term process, whether through a carbon fiber quality gray area to enter the market?

From the history of the development of many industries of view, always experiencing the "quality cheap cheap" to "cheap" competitiveness shaping process by "quality cheap cheap" into the market, or to enter the market from the quality of the gray areas, probably most of our carbon fiber business to go through the process.

Stable performance and quality of the carbon fiber is a long process, Toray from 1970 to the present, has been constantly upgrading the stability of its product performance and quality. Not only is the work of stabilizing carbon fiber business and work hard, but also vigorously with back-end applications, and according to function with different application requirements times bearing parts, the main load-bearing pieces and gradually ascend. Thinking short put carbon fiber to make stable performance and quality, and then go sell the idea of ​​just a fantasy dream!

In the industry we are talking about more is the main properties of carbon fiber, such as tensile strength and modulus reached T300, or T700, and it seems that the Japanese definition of symbols than the carbon fiber is useless. Now with the T300 place, is not it must not be used C250? In fact, some of the functions of the non-load-bearing member is available to the final addition of carbon fiber composite materials have become used by a more optimal design of materials, the resin formulation, design, and so the fiber and resin interface means, also allows the use of the C250 the final performance of the parts produced beyond T300. So we brought the units in the development of national standards, do not simply imitate the Japanese product standards, less than 3.5GPA carbon fiber is carbon fiber, according to our actual situation, for Chinese enterprises to stay out of carbon fiber gray area space.
Not blindly insist on key performance indicators of carbon fiber, the greater the effort spent on stability and carbon fiber technology of performance and quality indicators. For many users, preferring to performance quality uniform, the subsequent process performance good C250, are reluctant to use the CV value is too large, wool yarn and more so-called T700. Fiber, good stability, from part design, the designers have identified data, you can put a small safety factor, and ultimately make parts lighter and lower cost. By improving the quality and stability and process performance indicators to allow users to use our carbon fiber, feeling as good as with foreign fiber, even if the main performance slightly worse, but the price is cheap.

In the industrial production lines planned, from a focus on "key performance indicators", turning attention to "quality process indicators performance group." Such uniformity uniformity, line density of key performance indicators, wool yarn rate, uniformity tow width, tow expand resistance, abrasion resistance tow subsequent processing, sizing agents for different resins, etc., with these indicators to guide the group to determine the technology and equipment, with the C250 easy to use uniform gray area to enter the market, a sales, have room to improve subsequent performance, in order to establish positive interaction with the formation of downstream industries to enter the spiral carbon fiber properties improve the quality of the road, this is the road to civilian carbon fiber Chinese real!