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High-performance carbon fiber paper
Release date: [2014/9/19] Read total of [1532] times

Well known, the carbon fiber has many advantages over the mechanical properties of the fibers and other physical properties as a structural material has been applied, such as aerospace aircraft, sports equipment, etc., and reinforcing materials in many fields; application as a functional material of carbon fiber recently developed soon, the carbon fiber paper is one example.

First, we get to know the next - a carbon fiber material.
Carbon fiber paper refers to the function of paper with a certain carbon fiber content. Carbon fiber content of the paper is available from 2% -100%. Pitch-based carbon fibers, polyacrylonitrile-based carbon fiber and rayon-based carbon fibers can be used as raw material for carbon fiber paper, carbon fiber properties due to these differences, the different prices, determine its carbon fiber paper of performance and cost. PAN-based carbon fiber paper, better overall performance; soft with a rayon-based carbon fiber paper, performance, anti-aliasing; using pitch-based carbon fiber paper, lower prices. The selection of the carbon fiber material according to the paper to complete the performance requirements may be, and sometimes several carbon fibers are mixed together to be used. In order to improve the performance of carbon fiber paper-making process, the carbon fiber material pre-treatment generally should. Currently on the market there are several companies launched a special carbon fiber for papermaking pitch-based carbon fiber, carbon fiber paper production provides a convenient.

In the production of carbon fiber paper with which the production process?
Ordinary carbon fiber paper production process is a conventional pulp and paper process made borrowed, it is l-8mm length of carbon fibers and plant fibers (or staple fibers) are mixed and beaten using a paper machine and then molded into the wet pulp. This carbon fiber sheet of carbon fiber content is typically 5% -60%, such as carbon fiber content and then high in the process, there are still some difficulties, but the length of the carbon fiber is also relatively short, because the length is too long, difficult time beating the carbon fiber winding dispersed; these factors to some extent, affected the improvement of the performance of carbon fiber paper. Currently, a new process is called dry paper is on the rise, it is the use of airlaid technology will be as thick woven carbon fiber paper, and then the finishing post is made of carbon fiber paper. This paper fiber length long, good mechanical properties of paper, and the production rate, environmental pollution, is a very promising development of the papermaking process.

High-performance carbon fiber paper than conventional carbon fiber paper having a better performance, or better conductivity, chemical composition or more pure, or has other more excellent physical and chemical properties. High-performance carbon fiber paper regardless of the raw materials or the manufacturing process requirements, than ordinary carbon fiber paper complex. At present, only a few countries in the world capable of manufacturing.

Carbon fiber paper exactly what performance?
As a functional material, a carbon fiber having excellent physical and chemical properties, can have a carbon fiber paper, and because the state of the fibers in a random arrangement of short fibers, isotropic properties, and long fiber products (such as no sheeting) performance of the to the opposite sex. Therefore, the uniformity of the performance requirements of high places, the carbon fiber paper advantage.

Carbon fiber paper having a conductivity, a resistivity of from 107-10-3Ω · cm range, the factors of carbon fiber paper resistivity impact mainly carbon fiber content and the carbon fiber itself resistivity; addition, the length of the carbon fibers, the paper density, and thickness, as well as processing and finishing craft paper, have a direct impact on the resistance of carbon fiber paper and its stability.

Carbon fiber paper with excellent electric performance. After the carbon fiber paper is energized at the appropriate resistance and voltage, has excellent heating performance, it is generally in the range of the heating temperature is 30-250 ℃, electric conversion efficiency of> 97%, than traditional materials savings of 15% -30%, and also there is a less than other heating material properties, it's far-infrared - heat radiation conversion rate of> 70%, but also emits far infrared 5-20μm, which is adapted to the human blood circulation, far infrared health care function wave. Therefore, the carbon fiber paper is a very valuable with the development of planar heating material.

Carbon fiber is a resistive type absorbing materials, electromagnetic wave absorption and reflection have certain properties, which is used to mask material and absorbing materials. Literature describes chopped carbon fiber composites than for continuous long fiber composites have better radar wave absorbing effect.

Has a porous carbon fiber paper, carbon fiber together (or activated carbon fibers) its adsorption properties, the carbon fiber paper is a good adsorption filter material.
Carbon fiber paper through a certain process, high temperature and corrosion resistance.

Application of high-performance carbon fiber paper
An antistatic packaging materials
The different resistance values ​​of carbon fiber paper having a different purpose, 107-104Ω · cm resistivity of carbon fiber paper, having antistatic properties, the requirements for the electronic device requires an antistatic packaging material.

Two planar heating material
104-10-1Ω · cm resistivity carbon fiber paper, commonly used for planar heating material. By voltage planar heating material used can be divided into conventional voltage (380,220 and 110V) and safe voltage (36,12 and 6V), according to the type of insulation material can be divided into rigid and flexible types of rigid fiberglass and more flexible mostly textiles. These planar heating material in industrial and agricultural production more widely, such as low temperature heat insulation container industry, agricultural greenhouse heating, due to the low-temperature corrosion-resistant insulated heating element, it can be heated directly to plant roots in soil, than pass through the air heat more energy saving.
In Russia and Scandinavia, paper-like carbon fiber heating material widely used in home heating, it planar heating materials and walls, carpet, binding to arts and crafts, such a low temperature radiant heating methods using a comfortable saving advantages.
The high-performance carbon fiber paper can be thin and soft, low resistivity material for the development of flexible planar heating safe voltage to provide a guarantee, and this flexible planar heating material in home heating. Human health and many other areas have a large market. For example, China has developed electric blankets, foot warmers, joint hot zone, hot waist and so on.

Three new areas of energy and electrochemical materials
10-2-10-3Ω · cm resistivity carbon fiber paper belongs to high-performance carbon fiber paper, usually termed high conductivity carbon fiber paper in the field of new energy and electrochemical being widely used.
Green energy - fuel cells become more and more attention. It is the use of oxygen in the air with the fuel (hydrogen) into electrical energy in the joint action of proton separation membranes and catalysts, while the exhaust byproducts - hot water. Throughout the reaction requires electrode material having the following properties: a sufficient chemical stability, corrosion resistance; 2 porous; i.e., sufficient number of voids, in order to ensure that the fuel gas supply and exhaust by-product water; the same time there should be a considerable number of pores, in order to ensure adequate progress of the chemical reaction, increase the power generation efficiency; 3 conductivity: having low electrical resistance, reducing battery internal friction. Scientists through a variety of exploration, confirmed high-performance carbon fiber paper can meet these performance requirements. And raw materials and carbon electrodes compared, as well as small size, light weight and high efficiency. Now, with high-performance carbon fiber paper making proton exchange membrane - gas diffusion layer electrode material of the fuel cell (PEMFC), and has been for each fuel cell manufacturer's identity, resulting in fast development.

4 electromagnetic mask material
Hazards of electromagnetic waves more cause for concern. Generally, good conductivity and magnetic permeability of the material, the function of the electromagnetic wave having a mask, the carbon fibers have been mixed in the plastic, the mask function is made of plastic with a magnetic housing. Making use of high-performance carbon fiber paper mask function products more features, it was suggested that the carbon fiber paper attached to the surface of glass, steel or plastic surfaces, use it to make housing having an electromagnetic mask function, perhaps more saving materials, better keep the hood shell of the original mechanical properties. Or paper impregnated with resin, molding, casing made ​​of thin porous mask.

5 modern weaponry material
The carbon fiber and carbon fiber combined with other absorbing materials made ​​of paper, is expected to apply in the stealth weapon.
United States to use in the 1991 Gulf War and the 1999 Kosovo war, a "microwave bomb" non-lethal microwave bomb bomb, it is filled with graphite and carbon fiber, they are thrown into the space after the explosion to destroy enemy radar defense systems and communications system. The bomb inside the carbon fiber is likely to contain carbon fiber paper, because the paper is more floating resistance, a longer residence time in the space.

6 high-quality audio material
Making use of carbon fiber paper cone speakers, is the brand-name patented advanced audio, this is because the carbon fiber cone density is small, light weight, has high sensitivity. Carbon fiber propagation speed of sound, according to the measured carbon fiber 11.17km / s, wood fiber is 1.45km / s, which helps to reduce distortion, clear sound, sound is excellent.

7 environmental protection materials
Carbon fiber paper with adsorption filtering in environmental and chemical industries have broad applications, such as air fresheners, air conditioners, protective masks, protective clothing, chemical filtration devices.
In short, high-performance carbon fiber paper use as functional materials far more than the above points, it's a lot of performance remains to be to know, to explore, for example in the field of electrochemistry, environmental protection, aerospace, metallurgy, energy and building materials and many other industries, are there is a vast potential market.

About the carbon fiber paper for more details of the consultation can call Carbon Fiber Co., Ltd. Cheung Shing service hotline oh: 400-083-9899